Dog Whisperer - Cesar Millan

Visst är det ett fascinerande program han ger oss Cesar Millan - Mannen som talar med  hundar. Jag tycker man kan få värdefulla tips varje gång man ser programmet, även om en del är väldigt amerikanskt. Det roliga är att han lär människan mer än han behöver lära hunden.

Cesar's Glossary Of Terms From Cesar's Way

  1. Calm-assertive energy - This is the energy you project to show your dog you are the calm and assertive pack leader. Note: assertive does not mean angry or aggressive. Calm-assertive means always compassionate, but quietly in control.
  2. Calm-submissive energy - In nature, this is the appropriate energy for a "follower" in a dog pack, and thus the ideal energy for a dog to project when living in a household with humans. Signs of calm-submissive energy include a relaxed posture, ears held back, and a nearly instinctual response to the "pack leader's" commands.
  3. Exercise, discipline, and affection... in that order - These are the three ingredients for creating a happy, balanced dog. Most dog owners give only affection, or don't provide these three necessities in the correct order.
    1. Exercise - walking a dog at least one hour every day, and in the correct way.
    2. Discipline - giving a dog rules, boundaries, and limitations in a nonabusive manner.
      Affection - a reward we give to our dogs and to ourselves, but only after the dog has achieved calm submission in our "pack".
  4. Master the walk - The walk is an extremely important ritual for a dog. It needs to take place a minimum of twice a day, for at least thirty to forty-five minute each time, so that both the dog's mind and its body are given a workout. This means the dog walks next to the owner or behind him/her - not pulling ahead. If a dog is "walking" a human, the dog perceives itself as pack leader at that moment, and the human is not in control.
  5. Rules, boundaries, and limitations
    1. Dogs need to know that their pack leader is clearly setting the rules, boundaries and limitations for their life both inside and outside the house.
    2. Anger, aggression, or abuse toward the dog will not establish you as pack leader; an angry, aggressive leader is not in control. Calm-assertive energy and daily, consistent leadership behavior will make enforcing the rules easier.
  6. Issues - If a dog doesn't trust its owner to be a strong, stable pack leader, it becomes unclear about its correct role within the pack. A dog that is confused about who is in charge is actually concerned abut the ability of the pack to survive, so it attempts to fill in the missing leadership elements, often erratically. This can cause aggression, anxiety, fear, obsessions, or phobias - what I call "issues".
  7. Balance - A balanced dog is in the state Mother Nature wants it to be in - as a calm-submissive pack follower, who is fulfilled physically with exercise; psychologically with rules, boundaries, and limitations; and emotionally with affection from its owner.
  8. Dog training - Conditioning a dog to human commands - sit, stay, come, heel - isn't what I do.
  9. Dog rehabilitation - This is what I do: help a dog with issues to return to a balanced state of calm submission. Sometimes it may appear that I can "fix" a dog instantly, but as I've said, "a dog is not an appliance that can be sent out for repairs." Permanent dog rehabilitation can occur only with a calm, assertive, stable, and consistent owner.
  10. Nose, eyes, ears... in that order! - I remind dog owners that dogs see the world differently from the way we do. We communicate using our ears first, then our eyes, and lastly our nose. Dogs begin with the nose, then the eyes, and lastly the ears. Allowing a dog to experience our scent before we engage it in eye contact or speak to it is one way to establish trust early on.
  11. Humanizing a dog - Many owners make the well-intentioned mistake of thinking of their dogs as children. I advise people to try to see the world through a dog's eyes. Cute outfits, fancy dog food, and a millionaire's mansion will not make for a happy dog. Regular exercise, a strong stable pack leader, and affection that's earned will result in a dog that's calm and balanced.
  12. People training - When I am called in on a job, many owners assume it's their dog that is the problem. I try to help people understand that their own behavior has a powerful affect on their dog, and I offer them suggestions for "retraining" themselves to be calm-assertive pack leaders.


Postat av: emma

Riktigt snygg blogg

2008-03-10 @ 21:38:34
Postat av: Scream and Shout

Jo, sant. Vi får väl ta och skippa hela ärtgrejen då.Även om det tar emot, men vi kan ju inte låta dig vara sjuk i flera veckor heller ;D

Han är så grym Cesar föresten. Helt jävla galen :D

2008-03-11 @ 00:28:22
Postat av: Ewa

Tack så mycket, detsamma fin blogg också ha en fortsatt trevlig dag mvh Ewa

2008-03-11 @ 08:57:25
Postat av: Lenitha

Jag kom tvåa ;)
Ja, det är så otroligt roligt med poker! Tror att vi ska försöka pyssla ihop någon sådan kväll vi också =)

2008-03-11 @ 09:07:37
Postat av: joel

hehe.. det är tragiskt men sant att det (nästan) alltid är mäniskans fel att djuret blir elakt..

och för att övergå till mer ickeseriösa ämnen: För det första så om din man inte är stor nog att säga det här i egen hög person till mig så gills inte åsikten att fisken kan drunkna.

Men, eftersom jag trots allt är underbar så svarar jag i alla fall.. Fisken dör inte av drunkning utan av

så det så.. nu hoppas jag vi kan lämna det här ;)

ch har det ändrats design här eller tänker jag bara fel? om det är ändrat, eller om det inte är det.. så, snyggt, riktigt snyggt :)

2008-03-11 @ 13:28:57
Postat av: Mingla

ha ha ha ha ha fan vad jag skrattade åt din kommentar. Tack :) vad snäll du är.

2008-03-11 @ 14:30:29
Postat av: andreasanton

Jättefin hund :D

2008-03-11 @ 14:34:02
Postat av: Mingla

ja det är en exotic- korthårig perser. Visst är han söt :)

2008-03-11 @ 15:22:05
Postat av: Åsa

Svar: Åh ! Vad bra :) Vad glad jag blir!!

2008-03-11 @ 17:47:53
Postat av: Scream and Shout

Ja. För mig är det dessutom extra intressant hur man kan vara så totalt orädd för hundar, då jag har en historia av hundrädsla själv. Han är verkligen inte rädd för något :o

Simba ärförövrigt en afghan :)

2008-03-11 @ 19:12:57
Postat av: Team huggers

Både jag och min chef kallar honom vår guru! :-)
Bänkad framför tv:n på måndagarna.
Ha en trevlig kväll!

2008-03-12 @ 18:13:38
Postat av: SweGizmo

Snygg Blogg! :P

2010-08-19 @ 22:30:32

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